(Please click blue print above for booking instructions). Raphael, one of the world’s great artists, died in 1520 in Rome aged 37 at the height of his artistic career in which he rivalled both established painters such as Michelangelo and younger contemporaries such as Sebastiano del Piombo.
Acclaimed art historian Sian Walters will mark the forthcoming 500th anniversary by tracing Raphael's extraordinary development from modest commissions in his home town of Urbino to a position as one of the leading artists at the court of Pope Julius II in Rome.
Raphael - Study of Two Apostles © Ashmolean Museum
The National Gallery in London has announced a major Raphael exhibition in 2020.
TASH Special Interest Days Booking Arrangements
Members have the chance to explore a topic in some depth during a Special Interest Day. The subject might be one in which you already have an enthusiasm or one which just catches your eye as potentially interesting. We are a big society and a smaller group, with refreshments and sandwich lunch provided, is an opportunity for relaxed socialising and discussion. Places fill quickly for popular speakers so it is advisable to arrive early on booking dates.
Bookings are taken prior to the monthly Thursday lectures in the Ballroom at Phyllis Court (PCC) usually two months before the date of the Special Interest Day. Booking opens in the Ballroom at 9.30 am for Morning members and at 13.30 pm for Afternoon members.
Bookings are only accepted on receipt of cash or cheque paid to TASH (The Arts Society Henley). Members may book for themselves and one other member, in which case, names, cash or cheque (s) for both members must be received at the time of booking.
Telephone and email bookings will be accepted after 4.30 pm on the first booking date if places are still available. Please note that places may not be taken by non- members except by prior agreement.
Cancellation: we regret that payment will only be refunded if the event is fully booked and your place is taken by another member on the waiting list.
We hope that you will find Special Interest Days entertaining and enriching. Pat Righelato is the Committee member responsible for Special Interest Days. Please contact her if you have any queries.
Telephone : 0118 9264513 Email: pat.righelato@gmail.com