• Henley DFAS

Special Interest Days

Bankrolling the Renaissance - a History of the Medici Family Thursday 7th November 2024 (booking Thursday 19th September2024)

Lecturer: Douglas Skeggs

Bankrolling the Renaissance - a History of the Medici Family
Botticelli: Birth of Venus
Ruthless in pursuit of profit for their Florentine bank, they were greedy for success, merciless to those who opposed their ambition and vicious in their own internal squabbles. And yet without them we wouldn’t have Botticelli’s ‘Birth of Venus’, the Fra Angelico frescoes in San Marco, Donatello’s ‘David’ or the majestic Michelangelo sculptures in the Medici chapel. This lecture looks into the turbulent history of this extraordinary family - the triumphs, the intrigues and plots. Their perpetual desire to glorify their name in works of art resulted in some of the greatest achievements of the Italian Renaissance.
The Medici Family from 1360 to 1743
(Please click on blue print above to continue reading)

TASH Special Interest Days Booking Arrangements

Members have the chance to experience a topic in some depth during a Special Interest Day. The subject might be one in which you already have an interest or one which just catches your eye as potentially interesting. The smaller group, with refreshments and lunch provided, gives an opportunity for relaxed socialising and discussion. 
Unless specified otherwise, Special Interest Days take place at The Henley Rugby Club. 

Bookings are at the lecture from two months ahead of the Special Interest Day, or by contacting me. 

The charge for these Special Interest Days reflects the cost of the lecturer, the venue and refreshments/lunch. Please note that bookings are not valid until payment has been received.

Cancellation: We regret that payment will only be refunded if the event is fully booked and the place is taken by another member on the waiting list.
Diana Jones is the Committee member responsible for Special Interest Days.
Telephone: 07799 661459 or 0118 947 8762 
 Email:        diana.jones@btinternet.com