• Henley DFAS

The Great Twelve Revisited: London's Senior Livery Companies

Thursday 19th March 2020
Fenella Billington

Livery Companies originated when medieval merchants banded together to form guilds or fraternities.  The guilds were probably in existence before the Norman Conquest and were to be found, not only in London, but in cities in other parts of the country and in cities in Europe. 

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Today there are 110 Livery Companies in the City, direct descendants of the medieval trade guilds and all support charitable causes and play a large part in the field of education.

Fenella has a Masters Degree in Art History from Manchester University.  She is a lecturer for the University of Liverpool’s Continuing Education Programme for Adults and has lectured widely for art societies, the Art Fund, U3A and the National Trust.  She is a Liverywoman of the Worshipful Company of Skinners of London.